
Our Mission is to Solve Recalls w/ Data.
Fix & Prevent them at Scale, via AI-Cloud Solutions


Frequently Asked Questions

Mission Statement?

Our mission is to Solve recalls, for ALL industries. The majority of failures are not novel, but rather are re-occurring failure modes.

What do we actually get?

When you buy this template, you get access to video tutorials, helping you set up your own recall plan

If I buy, will you help me set my business up?

When you buy this template, you get access to video tutorials, helping you set up your own recall plan

Refund & Cancellation?

Satisfaction Guaranteed! Cancel renewal anytime. Email us if you aren't happy. Our contact information is jess@recalls.fyi

Who should buy this?

When you buy this template, you get access to video tutorials, helping you set up your own recall plan

Want to contact us?

We're available 24/7 if you email us at  jess@recalls.fyi. Happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have about our services.

Developed by Experts

“Empower your team, Save money, Gain an advantage,  and more. Gain an advantage with unique insights and unmatched clarity.
Definitely the best money you'll spend in years!”
Founder, M.S Regulatory Science